
Analytics SAAS Platform

Our expert team ensures elegant, functional and visually pleasing dashboards and AI recommendations to get you going right away.

Who are we

Dedicated support team to help you along the way

Easy to use

Beautifully designed patterns

Here are few plug and play AI solutions for analytics that we offer:

Descriptive and predictive platform services:

  • Marketing effectiveness measurement:
    • [attribscaled] Multi-touch marketing attrinbution for digital paid and non-paid marketing
    • [mixscaled] Marketing mix model for a wholistic view all the marketing channel effectiveness
  • Demand forecasting and planning
    • [demandscaled] product by product demand forecast for your supply chain planning
    • [simscaled] Demand simulator to evaluate scenarios of your marketing and price promotions
  • [CEOscaled] Customer and sales analytics
    • Churn analytics
    • Sales analytics
    • Price and elasticity analytics
  • [Recommendscaled] Product Recommendation for your e-commerce site to use AI recommendations for your products
  • [leadscaled] Lead recommendation – to qualify and deliver leads from athe master universal person data of over 360 millions individuals and companies
  • [hrscaled] Human resources analytics
  • and more…

Prescriptive AI Services

  • [surveyscaled] Large scaled survey management
  • [campaignscaled] large scaled personalized campaign automation and management
  • [testscaled] A-B testing usine email and SMS channels
  • [retainscaled] retention campaign automation using AI
  • [acquirescaled] acquisition campaign automation using AI

Discover our cutting-edge AI, ML, and Data Science solutions

Unlock the potential of your business with our advanced e-commerce platform

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